June 30, 2022

Definitely yes, you can schedule LinkedIn posts with a third-party tool. You can use and choose the scheduler that benefits your needs for your business.

There are different schedulers that you can pick to schedule LinkedIn posts, whether the paid or free version. These schedulers are useful for staying active on your LinkedIn profile.

Also, if you struggle to know what to post in the first place, make sure you download our Social Media Content Creation Kit. This free bundle is the ultimate resource for coming up with and never running out of post ideas for your social accounts.

Want the condensed version? Watch the video, then download the Ultimate Scheduler's Guide.

Can you schedule LinkedIn Posts?

Now, before we go further, let’s clarify the difference between a personal page and a business page on LinkedIn.

A personal profile page is one that usually just represents you. It might have a picture of you and you can connect with other people on LinkedIn. 

A business page actually represents a business or a company. The page can show how many people are connected to your business and organization, including who works for the company. 

It can be a bit more challenging to grow a LinkedIn business page than a personal page. Many times, as possible, you definitely want to get employees and people that are involved in the organization to be active on the page.

If you choose to have a business page, you want to get employees and everyone involved in being active on the page helping to grow the page. Only because it helps. It's not required but it definitely helps.

Before you start scheduling posts on LinkedIn, ensure you've set up your profile well. Be sure to check out this post detailing how to achieve the best profile possible on LinkedIn with an All-Star Profile.

Benefits of Scheduling Posts

Scheduling posts manually to social media can be time-consuming. 

Having consistent updates on LinkedIn that help the people get to know more about your company can be great, especially if you're a B2B business (or business-to-business). These updates can help you connect more with your potential and current customers or clients.

Also, another benefit is making sure that you are active. Although social media should be a priority, compared to other priorities it can feel challenging to maintain.

If you do not consciously put it on our calendar, you may just post updates when and if possible. That’s when you find yourself only posting once a quarter and your account starts looking neglected on social media.

Scheduling posts will help prevent inconsistency and neglect.

Even for a personal page that you may use as an extension of your business or brand. Life gets busy and you can easily become inactive. Scheduling can help with keeping your audience updated and staying as relevant as possible. 

Since LinkedIn is known as a professional network, you may not use the platform as often as Instagram or Facebook. Those are platforms where you go to relax or be entertained.

LinkedIn can be more of a challenge to maintain. It’s estimated that about 50% of LinkedIn Users and inactive. Scheduling posts will help keep you active.

How can you schedule LinkedIn posts?

You can use a social media scheduler such as Buffer.com to schedule your post. There are many schedulers available, that's just one example. If you want to learn more about the top schedulers are available, read the full article here.

What Buffer will actually do? The free version will allow you to schedule up to 10 posts at one time. You can invest in the paid option which will allow you to schedule more posts and also give you account analytics.

Whether you want to invest in the paid version depends on your goal. However, if you’re just getting started or you’re using the scheduler for a personal profile then the free version should be sufficient.

With the help of a scheduling tool, you can save more time and post consistently to your LinkedIn account.

Download The Ultimate Scheduler’s Guide for your reference to help you decide which scheduling tool you need to use to schedule LinkedIn posts. Get your guide here!

About the Author

SkySocial Assistant is a boutique digital marketing agency that specializes in Instagram, Facebook & YouTube Marketing and Advertising for Service Businesses and Entrepreneurs Over 40.