July 19, 2022

According to Linkedin, all-star profiles are 40 times more likely to receive job opportunities and there are 8 things you need to do to get your Linkedin profile to all-star status. 

Having LinkedIn All Star status can help you get discovered and land your next job. However, having all-star status on LinkedIn isn’t just for job opportunities. 

As a business owner, all-star LinkedIn status allows you to generate more leads because your profile has increased visibility.

LinkedIn Profiles Have 5 Stages of Strength:
  • Beginner 

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced

  • Expert

  • All-star

When you're building out your profile, LinkedIn will tell you how you're doing by the profile strength meter. Regardless of where you are on the scale, your goal should always be to get to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile.

Reaching All-Star Status isn’t difficult. Plus, it will give you a huge edge over your competition.

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The Eight Essential Elements You Need For An All Star LinkedIn Profile
1. LinkedIn Profile Picture

Having a high-quality profile picture is crucial to getting all-star status on your LinkedIn. People who have a photo receive 21 times more views because it's your first impression.

When your profile lacks a picture, It makes you appear inactive- like you don't even use the platform. 

Having a great professional picture with positive energy (smiling recommended) is helpful. If you choose to smile, showing some teeth won’t hurt–especially if you have a lovely smile.

2. Your Headline

The goal of your headline is to appear in more searches and stand out from the crowd. The goal of your is to make it very clear what you do and who you serve, plus adding a bit of personality is a great addition.

3. Your Industry And Your Location

This step is one of the easiest, you can list your location and your industry.

4. Your Experience

You want to include your current positions plus your prior two positions. 

This increases your discovery 16 times more by recruiters and increases your profile views up to 29 times according to Forbes.

5. Skills

In this section, include at least 5 skills. Those with 5 skills are contacted up to 33 times more according to reports. Choosing skills may sound simple, but you want to be smart about the skills that you select.

Others can also endorse your skills, which is great for adding social proof as a testimonial to your abilities. You may also take skills quizzes to add and showcase your skills in this section.

A common mistake is listing skills that aren't related to your service, your industry, your job, or what you do. 

The best practice is to list skills that are relevant to your industry, the tools that you use as well as your interpersonal skills that showcase how you work with other people and your business values.

6. Summary 

This section is a little more challenging and tends to be underutilized. 

Consider having an opening statement with your most impressive and relevant skills or results. Ensure to include relevant keywords and focus on your achievements rather than your duties. 

For your closing statement, consider a call to action that invites your reader to take the next step. Your next step could be learning more about your service, scheduling a call, or whatever is relevant to your marketing and sales goal.

7. Education

Education should also be relevant. Include educational experiences that showcase expertise in your industry and offerings.

8. Connections

At least 50 connections must be added. You can send connections by sending invitations or accepting invitations.

There is also an option to enter email addresses from your address book so that LinkedIn can help you find people that you know. 

Additional Recommendation:

There is an option to add a graphic banner at the top of your profile. This is a great way to communicate more about yourself, your business, your offerings, and/or your brand personality.

If you want to achieve an  All-Star LinkedIn Profile, follow the 8 essential elements presented above.

As a bonus, make sure you get our Ultimate Scheduler’s Guide. It will provide you with information about the tools you can use to save time and consistently post content to your LinkedIn profile. Get your guide here!

About the Author

SkySocial Assistant is a boutique digital marketing agency that specializes in Instagram, Facebook & YouTube Marketing and Advertising for Service Businesses and Entrepreneurs Over 40.