Picture of Jennifer as a baby with hands on an open book

Meet Your Dedicated Social Media Strategist

Well, hello! I'm not just your run-of-the-mill social media strategist - I'm an entrepreneur who's been in the trenches, juggling family life with my passion for connecting people online. And let me tell you, my love for strawberry cheesecake ice cream is almost as strong as my drive to make your brand shine on social media!

My journey? It's been a fun ride, starting from selling lemonade in my backyard to now helping businesses dominate on Facebook and Instagram. I've sold golf balls, managed virtual assistants, and even sold products on Amazon and eBay. Each step taught me one thing: if you're not keeping up with changes online, you're missing out big time.

Why pick me as your Social Media Strategist?

Well, I've got the chops to back it up:

Client Successes:

  • Ad Efficiency: I've slashed ad costs by a third, getting more eyeballs on my clients' stuff without breaking the bank.
  • Content Strategy Revamp: Transformed content strategies for a client leading to securing over $60,000 in bookings.
  • Social Engagement: Sent Facebook and Instagram engagement through the roof by up to 125%. That's real people, really engaging with your brand.
  • Lead Generation: Efficiently generated high-value leads at low costs, maximizing marketing budgets.
Picture of a coffee mug with an astronaut and text that reads Sky's the Limit
Image of Jennifer holding a coffee mug that reads You Are More awesome Than Your Instagram Feed

Credentials to Back It Up:

It's not just about the numbers. I've also got the cred:

  • I'm not just top-rated on Upwork - I'm expert-vetted, 100% job success, 5-star kinda top-rated.
  •  LinkedIn™ thinks I'm pretty smart too - they've named me a Top Voice.
  • And yes, I've got the fancy certifications in Google Ads, HubSpot Social Media, Digital Marketing, and the works.

My Commitment to You:

Here's the deal: When I work on your campaigns, I treat every dollar like it's coming out of my own pocket.

I'm all about getting you results, being straight-up honest, and working my tail off to make your brand succeed.

Now you know about me, how can I help you with your Facebook and Instagram marketing?