October 31, 2023

By now, the significance of social media for businesses should be evident. As Bill Gates once stated, "If your business is not on the Internet, you will struggle to stay afloat." Therefore, if you aim to reach a broader audience and ensure the continuity of your business. This  Facebook page optimization becomes essential for you.

Why You Need to Optimize Your Facebook Page?

  • Facebook holds the position as the leading social media platform, connecting with approximately 60% of social media users.
  • With a staggering 2.99 billion monthly active users, it boasts the highest user base among all social media platforms.
  • In the United States, nearly 64% of individuals aged 13 and older are active on Facebook, and a substantial 74% of all US consumers actively engage with this social platform.
  • On average, US adults dedicate approximately half an hour each day to their Facebook usage.
  • It's worth noting that a significant 87% of marketers in the US are already leveraging Facebook's potential.
  • Moreover, a notable 44% of social media users indicate that Facebook plays a pivotal role in shaping their purchasing decisions.
Facebook page optimization logo

Sources: Dalton Luka

Facebook is an enormous social platform in terms of its size, reach, and impact. However, in order to harness its potential, optimizing your business page is essential. Here are the several benefits offered by Facebook page optimization:

  • Enhance your search engine performance.
  • Direct traffic to your website.
  • Expand your audience reach.
  • Efficiently handle customer service and maintain your brand's reputation.
  • Elevate brand awareness.
  • Stimulate sales

While there are additional advantages, these are the most apparent ones. If you're pondering how to initiate the optimization process for your Facebook business page, just follow the steps detailed in the next section.

Facebook Page Optimization Guidelines for Your Service-Based Business

1. Create and Complete Your Profile

The first step is to create your Facebook business page. Here are the areas to focus on.

  • Choose the Appropriate Page Type: Facebook offers various page types such as local business, place, brand, or service. If your business provides services from a single main location, opt for the local business/place category. 

However, if your business operates from multiple locations, you may want to consider the company option.

  • Select a Username: Once you've picked the page category, select a name that aligns with your business. Keep in mind that on Facebook, you can't frequently change your name and username. Therefore, take your time to choose something meaningful and easily memorable.
  • Include a Profile Picture: Remember, a picture speaks volumes. Therefore, select one that portrays your business in a positive light. You have the option to use an image of your storefront, logo, or something that effectively represents your services.
Facebook page optimization profile picture

Source: Fotor

  • Incorporate a Cover Photo: A cover photo enhances the visual appeal of your page and provides an opportunity to showcase something that resonates with your services.
  • Include Your Business Hours: Make sure to specify your operating hours. This will simplify things for people in your area who want to get in touch with you.
  • Craft Your Profile Description: The "About Us" section provides a chance to promote your business. It has a character limit of 255, so keep it concise and to the point. Additionally, there's an extra space for elaboration in the "Additional Information" box. 

You can provide more details about your business, explaining what you do, your approach, and the benefits you offer to your audience. 

Here's a pro tip: Don't just tell, show. You can even include a testimonial to illustrate your excellence.

  • Include Links to Other Social Profiles: Once you've crafted your profile description, add links to your other social media profiles. These could direct users to your Instagram Business page, LinkedIn, or YouTube channel. 

By doing so, you make it possible for individuals who aren't as active on Facebook to follow you on the social platforms they use more frequently.

2. Customize your URL

Once you've set up your page, Facebook gives you a standard URL that looks something like this: facebook.com/abfg612993883. This URL doesn't convey anything about your business. Therefore, it's advisable to modify it to this format: facebook.com/yourcompany.

Sources: SocialPilot

This personalized URL, also known as a vanity URL, simplifies the process of locating your page for others. Moreover, it allows Google's search engine to associate your customized URL with your business name. 

Consequently, when people search for your business name, your Facebook business profile will appear as one of the top search results.

A customized URL helps you in many ways like:

  • Boosts your SEO and allows you to appear in search results.
  • Helps you to stand out.
  • Makes your brand more recognizable.
  • Makes it easy for you to share.

Establishing your business page and optimizing your URL is akin to laying a strong foundation. Once you've accomplished both tasks, you're all set to start constructing.

3. Add Page Tabs

Tabs are a somewhat overlooked feature on Facebook, yet they hold the potential to enhance the customer experience significantly by simplifying navigation on your business page. They enable you to neatly organize your business's various features and services.

Moreover, you have the flexibility to tailor these tabs to align with your service categories, promotions, or different facets of your business. 

However, it's essential not to go overboard. The primary goal is to enhance the user experience, so sticking to around 5 or 6 tabs should suffice. You can create tabs for various purposes, including:

  • Services
  • Feedback and reviews.
  • Galleries, and
  • Any details about discount offers or an upcoming launch.

4. Create and Post Optimized Content

Commence with a content strategy that clearly outlines your objectives for optimizing your Facebook page. Consistency in posting is key, and it's equally important to take note of the optimal posting times on Facebook.

Throughout your content creation journey, prioritize your audience's needs and preferences at every stage. Tailor your content accordingly. 

While sharing details about your services is beneficial, it's not sufficient. Your audience deserves a deeper understanding of your business, including its origin story, evolution, and how you've structured it to deliver value.

An additional vital component of your Facebook page optimization is the strategic use of keywords. Identify industry-relevant keywords and incorporate them naturally into your content. This practice will enhance your visibility.

However, it's crucial to strike a balance and ensure that your keywords align seamlessly with your content. Avoid overloading your content with keywords, as it can make you appear robotic.

Regarding content creation, embrace creativity and diversify your content formats. In addition to posts about your services and informative content, explore various content styles. 

These are few examples of content to post on your Facebook page:

  • Question and Answer sessions.
  • Post curated content.
  • Stream live videos of your events.
  • Share video content.
  • Upload relevant images like team photos, quotes, collages, etc.
  • Use Facebook stories - 80% of Facebook stories drive better bottom-of-funnel results.
Facebook page optimization story

Source: Sproutsocial

Furthermore, consider incorporating memes, reposts, tags, and trending stories into your content mix. Also, remember to include short videos as part of your content strategy.

According to HubSpot, a reputable source in the marketing field, a whopping 93% of marketers leverage video content to elevate their marketing efforts. Notably, this approach has been found to boost qualified lead generation by an impressive 66%.

In the context of Facebook, it's worth highlighting that posting videos can increase interest in a service by approximately 62%.

5. Place Call-to-Action in Strategic Places

By this stage, a user is already familiar with your brand, services, and physical location. However, your Facebook page optimization isn't complete yet if it doesn't contribute to expanding your reach, generating leads, or increasing sales.

Therefore, you should aim for users to take action aligned with these objectives. This is where Calls to Action (CTAs) come into play. The choice of your CTA will depend on the content and the specific action you want users to take.

Here are some CTA you can use on your Facebook business page:

  • Sign Up
  • Book now
  • Call Now
  • Start Order
  • E-mail Now

You'll discover the call-to-action button located just beneath your cover photo. Facebook offers the flexibility to customize your call-to-action.

To do so, simply click on it and choose "Edit." Then, insert a CTA that aligns with your content, objectives, and the actions you want users to take.

For service-based businesses, CTAs such as "Get Quote," "Book Now," and "Call Now" are particularly suitable.

6. Interact With Your Audience

Engaging your audience remains a timeless and essential practice. Remember, your audience, followers, and customers are real individuals with emotions. Active interaction with them adds a human touch to your brand, allowing you to address their needs effectively.

Engagement also has several other benefits. It strengthens your relationship with your users, assists in crisis management, and fosters a sense of trust. To achieve this, consider enabling reviews, responding to comments and tags, and maintaining an attitude of courtesy, authenticity, and empathy.

Leveraging Facebook Messenger can be a game-changer. Here's the kicker: Facebook prominently displays your response rate on your page. By consistently responding to your audience through Facebook Messenger, you can earn the coveted "typically responds within an hour" badge on your Facebook business profile. 

Facebook page optimization engagements

Source: Facebook

This small but powerful symbol signals to users that you are not only responsive but also prompt in your interactions.

As you can see, there are no downsides to actively engaging with your audience. Making this commitment will elevate your Facebook page optimization by building trust, enhancing relationships with your audience, and establishing a positive public image for your brand.

7. Run Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be a game-changer, almost like having an extra superpower. The reality is, through your organic Facebook page optimization efforts, you might only be reaching about 10-20% of your followers. That's where ads come in handy, allowing you to expand your reach to a broader audience, albeit for a fee.

To get started with Facebook ads, you'll need to activate Facebook Ads Manager. To do this, ensure you have a verified payment method, a Facebook Business page, and administrative privileges for your Facebook profile.

Buffer provides a comprehensive guide on how to run Facebook Ads if you're looking for a step-by-step walkthrough.

Facebook Page Optimization Bonus Tips

Claim Any Unofficial Business Listing

When establishing a Facebook business page, you might come across a page and business listing associated with your brand name.

These listings can include content such as reviews, ratings, and a map. Facebook frequently generates these placeholder business listings to allow users to comment on and review existing storefronts.

The good news is that you can claim these pages and integrate them with your official business page. To proceed, you'll need to demonstrate your ownership and verify your identity. Here are the required documents:

  • A certificate of business formation or articles of incorporation.
  • Most recent business tax certificate.
  • A phone or utility bill.
  • Your business email and phone numbers.
  • A copy of your business registration certificate or license.

The verification process may take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Once Facebook has successfully verified your documents, you'll gain full control of the page.

Facebook Page Optimization for Your Business Success

Currently, Facebook holds the top spot as the largest social media platform, making the optimization of your business page an essential endeavor for service-based businesses. Although it demands effort, the benefits are well worth it.

Optimizing your Facebook page not only enhances your online visibility but also draws in new visitors and fortifies your connection with your audience. Most significantly, it drives sales

Once your Facebook business page is in place, make sure to complete all your business information and contact details. Craft a succinct description and include a website link with a compelling call to action. Crafting a customized URL adds a touch of uniqueness, and sharing optimized content takes your efforts to the next level.

Lastly, engage actively with your audience, and if necessary, consider running ads to complement your organic optimization strategies.

So, are you making the most of your Facebook business page? Do you aspire to achieve even more? We've assembled a team of expert social media managers with a proven track record. Apply to work with us, and we'll revitalize your social media presence, optimizing it for success. 

Want to learn how to establish and optimize your Facebook page successfully? Download our Social Media Marketing Checklist now.

About the Author

SkySocial Assistant is a boutique digital marketing agency that specializes in Instagram, Facebook & YouTube Marketing and Advertising for Service Businesses and Entrepreneurs Over 40.