October 24, 2023

You might be curious about what Instagram optimization entails. It's all about arranging your Instagram activities – your profile, content, and interactions – to increase your chances of appearing higher in search results and content feeds. 

Equally crucial, Instagram optimization guides the right users to follow your account and encourages them to take the right actions, whether it's on Instagram or elsewhere. 

Instagram is a fantastic platform for expanding your reach, generating leads, and boosting sales. 

Here are why prioritizing Instragram optimization should be at the forefront of your to-do list:

  • Instagram boasts approximately 2 billion active users each month.
  • In the United States, there are over 127 million Instagram users, accounting for roughly 47% of the population, as per Pew Research.
  • An impressive 9 out of 10 Instagram users follow at least one business on the platform, and 62% express increased interest in a brand after engaging with its Instagram story.
  • The average American adult dedicates slightly over 30 minutes daily to the platform.
  • A study commissioned by Meta revealed that 8 out of 10 people utilize the social media platform for discovering and researching new services and products.
  • According to the same study, 76% of individuals who stumble upon a service on Instagram seek more information, 65% visit the brand's app or website, and 46% make online or offline purchases.

So, what do these numbers tell us? Instagram is a powerful platform that can assist you in reaching a broader audience and promoting your services. Therefore, it's crucial to make Instagram optimization a top priority.

Instagram Optimization in 5 Practical Steps

instagram optimization

Source: Brand hause

1. Switch to a Business Profile

This is pretty straightforward. However, many service business owners still use their personal Instagram accounts for their business. 

But, you're missing out on numerous benefits by doing so. When you switch to a Business profile, you'll gain access to several advantages, such as:

  • Ability to run ad campaigns and promotions: You can effectively advertise your services.
  • Access to analytics, known as Insights: This helps you understand how your content is performing.
  • Display your business's physical address in your contact information: Making it easier for potential clients to find you.
  • Option to add the "Shop" button: This lets you sell your services online
  • Option to add your business category: So people can discover your services based on what you do.
  • Action buttons to connect with online services like Eventbrite and Yelp: Streamlining your interactions with potential customers.

In addition to these advantages, having an Instagram business profile can also enhance trust and present a more professional image.

So, if you haven't already done so, this is your initial step. To transition to an Instagram Business account, you'll require a Facebook page and a Facebook Business Manager account. Once you have both of these in place, you're all set. Keep in mind, that this is a crucial step to take.

2. Optimize your Instagram Business Account Profile

When you're in the process of optimizing your Instagram business profile, it's essential to understand how Instagram operates. This social media platform functions somewhat like a search engine, delivering the most pertinent results to users based on their search terms.

So, put yourself in your users' shoes and consider what someone might search for if they were trying to find your business. Take note of these relevant keywords.

Instagram also factors in your interactions to determine relevance, so it's vital to engage with other relevant pages within your niche.

instagram optimization business

Source: Oberlo

Here's how you can kickstart the optimization of your Instagram business account:

  • Choose a suitable name and username: Your name and username serve distinct purposes. Use your real name when setting up your profile and add a relevant keyword alongside it. For instance, "Elizabeth Cox | SEO Consultant." 

When it comes to keywords, you don't need to get overly specific. For example, you can use keywords like SEO, SEO Specialist, or CEO Consultant rather than something too niche like Link Builder or Link Building Specialist.

Summing up your username, opt for something memorable that aligns with your brand. Simplicity is key. If your preferred choice is already taken, make slight adjustments until you find a suitable option. For optimal results, use your business name as your username, and steer clear of abbreviations.

  • Use a branded profile image: A picture is worth a thousand words, and it's the first thing people notice. You'll want a profile image that potential users can easily recognize. The choice of profile image should be based on your business, but in most cases, using your business logo is a solid choice.

However, for some businesses, your professional headshot may be more appropriate. For instance, a business coaching service might opt for a professional headshot. Lastly, it's a good practice to use the same profile image across your various social media channels.

  • Optimize your Instagram bio: Your bio provides an opportunity to showcase yourself in 150 words. Use simple language to explain your value proposition. Steer clear of technical jargon and focus on conveying the benefits you offer.

Incorporate relevant keywords and sprinkle in a few hashtags and emojis. Be cautious not to overuse emojis. Additionally, include social proof elements such as achievements and awards, but keep it concise and straightforward.

Finally, include a link in your bio to enable your audience to explore more about you beyond the Instagram platform.

3. Create Optimized Content

Content is King. Content creation serves as a pivotal tool in building your brand, expanding your social media following, and driving sales. It's worth noting that the Instagram algorithm prioritizes fresh and original content, making it crucial to optimize your content with these facts in mind.

Here are several methods to achieve Instagram optimization through your content:

  • Post optimized content that highlights your brand: Ensure that the content you share holds value for your audience and effectively conveys the essence of your business, positioning you as a problem-solver. 

Emphasize quality and originality in your posts. Don't underestimate the power of video content; leverage it to your advantage. Additionally, when posting content on Instagram, employ a descriptive call to action.

  • Utilize Instagram stories: A noteworthy statistic – 7 out of 10 Instagram users watch stories daily. Make your stories engaging and relatable. You can use them to share success stories, product launches, opinions on trending topics, or create content centered around frequently asked questions (FAQs).
  • Leverage the highlights feature: Instagram stories only stay visible for 24 hours. Save your most compelling stories to your highlights. This allows your followers to access them at any time. When new users come across your profile, they'll have sufficient content to catch up on your recent activities. 

How to leverage your Instagram content:

  • Use Canva to craft eye-catching highlight covers.
  • Handpick your best stories to feature as highlights.
  • Incorporate additional information about your services, testimonials, milestones, and your journey, among other relevant aspects.
  • Go live: The live feature presents an opportunity to share real-time updates and interact with your audience. Many customers are curious about the processes behind the services they enjoy. 

Satiate their curiosity by taking them behind the scenes to showcase how you create value. You can also host live Q&A sessions, fostering a stronger relationship with your audience.

Instagram optimization live

Source: Oberlo

  • Harness the power of hashtags: Hashtags play a pivotal role in the Instagram ecosystem, and the algorithm favors their use. Including at least one hashtag in an Instagram post boosts the engagement rate by 12.6%. Don't hesitate to utilize hashtags judiciously to enhance your reach and visibility.
instagram optimation hashtags

Source: Later

  • Incorporate location tags: Posts with location tags receive 79% more engagement than those without. Utilizing location tags simplifies the process of discovery for your audience. If your services cater to specific locations, these tags make it effortless for nearby individuals to find you.
  • Make use of tagging: Distinct from location tags, tagging functions similarly to mentions. Encourage your audience to tag you in relevant posts, exposing your profile to their followers. 

Another effective tagging strategy involves user-generated content. For instance, if you offer photography services, prompt your followers to capture their best nature shots, tag your account, and share them on their own timeline, offering a small incentive in return.

Once you've implemented these strategies, you'll broaden your audience's reach. However, your journey doesn't end there. Quality content begets increased engagement, which in turn brings the responsibility of staying engaged with your audience.

4. Ramp-up Interaction With Your Followers

Maintaining an active and engaging presence on Instagram is key. The Instagram algorithm favors fresh content, ongoing activities, and interactions.

By actively engaging with your followers, you not only keep your Instagram account buzzing with activity but also enhance your discoverability when people search for related content. 

Additionally, through these interactions, your followers can share your valuable insights and tips with their own audience, extending your reach. But there's more to it. Consistent interaction with your followers enables you to respond promptly to inquiries and resolve any issues, thus safeguarding your reputation.

To effectively manage this, make sure to enable notifications and designate someone to handle interactions with followers, including responding to tags, mentions, comments, and more. 

Engaging with your followers serves several purposes—it boosts your discoverability, adds a human touch to your brand, and fosters trust. As a result, your followers eagerly anticipate your content, creating an opportunity to cultivate a stronger bond with them.

5. Show Up, Post Consistently

Consistent posting is essential to ensure a steady stream of fresh content. It's equally important to time your posts when your audience is most likely to interact with them. According to the Search Engine Journal, here are the optimal posting times for various U.S. time zones:

  • US Pacific Time: 9 p.m. – 12 a.m.
  • US Central Time: 10 p.m. – 12 a.m.
  • US Eastern Time: 11 p.m. – 4 a.m.
instagram optimization post

Source: Instagram

If these timings don't align with your preferences, you can analyze your analytics to determine when your audience engages with your content the most and then build your posting schedule around those peak times.

Maintaining a consistent posting schedule necessitates planning. Therefore, it's advisable to create a social media calendar and utilize tools like Tailwind, Hootsuite, or other social media scheduling software. These tools enhance your efficiency and make it easier to uphold a regular posting schedule.

Consider Becoming Verified to Elevate your Instagram OptimizationYour

Instagram Optimization Verified

Source: WeekHack

In addition to the five points we've covered, you can elevate your Instagram optimization by pursuing verification. The verification badge serves as a distinctive mark, setting you apart from the crowd.

It not only provides additional social proof but also lends an air of authenticity to your brand. When individuals stumble upon your profile, they immediately recognize your legitimacy.

Furthermore, verification offers a slew of perks. You gain early access to the latest Instagram features before they roll out to the general public. Additionally, you receive exclusive stickers to add flair to your Reels and Stories.

Final Words on Instagram Optimization

Instagram optimization is essential for your service-based business, as it can significantly expand your reach and expose your brand to new audiences.

The first step in this journey is to switch to a business account. After setting up your Instagram Business profile, focus on optimizing it, consistently post high-quality content, and actively engage with your audience. If you're looking to take your efforts to the next level, consider obtaining the coveted Instagram verification badge.

By following these steps, you'll revamp your Instagram presence and position your service-based business for success. If you find yourself grappling with maximizing your Instagram profile's potential, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Applying to work with our expert team can help you effectively harness Instagram's power to expand your brand's reach and generate leads.

About the Author

SkySocial Assistant is a boutique digital marketing agency that specializes in Instagram, Facebook & YouTube Marketing and Advertising for Service Businesses and Entrepreneurs Over 40.