September 19, 2023

Struggling to figure out how to use social media for busines? You're definitely not flying solo on this one. Social media wields some serious power when it comes to boosting your business, but the know-how isn't widespread.

Before you jump in, let's talk about why you should really take social media seriously. According to the folks at Forbes, a staggering 4.9 billion people use social media. That's roughly 61% of the entire world's population.

Additionally, what makes it intriguing? Those numbers are only climbing, projected to hit a jaw-dropping 5.85 billion by the time 2027 rolls around.

But wait, there's more. Forbes goes on to mention that the typical person hangs out on social media for roughly 2 hours and 25 minutes each day. And get this, a whopping 76% of these individuals have actually made a purchase based on something they stumbled upon while scrolling through a social media platform. 

Moreover, a solid 77% of business owners affirm that they're presently employing social media to engage with their customers. About 44% of these savvy folks are using it to sprout and nurture their brand, while another 41% have found it to be a potent tool for revving up their revenue.

So, if you're not quite sure how to wield the power of social media for your business, you might just be leaving some money on the table. 

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Here are the perks of using social media for your business:

  • Boosting sales.
  • Generating leads.
  • Providing responsive customer service.
  • Amping up brand awareness.
  • Establishing thought leadership.
  • Fostering networking and partnerships.

Now that you've got a grip on the potential of social media and a taste of its benefits for your business, it's time to roll up your sleeves and figure out how to put it to work for you. Just stick to the steps outlined in this article, and you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of using social media for your business.

How to Use Social Media for Business with these 7-Guides

1. Determine your goals

The starting point for leveraging social media in your business journey is setting clear goals. Begin by jotting down your business targets and what you're aiming to accomplish. After that, connect the dots between your overall business objectives and your social media ambitions.

For instance, let's say one of your business aims is to boost brand awareness. In that case, focusing on growing your social media following and sharing content that highlights your brand's value could be a solid strategy.

To craft effective goals, consider using the SMART approach—make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. For instance, a goal like increasing your click-through rate by 25% within 9 months fits the bill.

Moving on, take stock of your resources: your budget, your existing social media presence, and your current customer base. Then, based on these factors, prioritize your goals wisely. Finally, map out a clear action plan that outlines how you intend to reach those objectives.

According to the experts at CoSchedule, setting goals can supercharge your chances of success by a whopping 377%.

2. Identify your audience

Let's dive into the process: kick off with some market research to get a handle on what your users are after. This not only lets you get inside their heads but also spots potential opportunities in your industry. 

So, speaking of spotting things, don't forget to give your competition a good once-over. A solid way to do that is through something called social listening.

how to use social media for business identify audience

Source: Neil Patel

Once you've got a good stash of data, it's time to craft a user persona. This should cover:

  •  Demographics - understand their age, occupation, and family situation.
  • Personality - are they introverts or extroverts? Thinking or feeling? 
  • Goals - what do your users hope to achieve? 
  • Pain points - What are their frustrations?
  • Bio - a short outline of their journey and what makes them your ideal audience.
  • Motivations - what motivates them?
  • Preferred brands - what brand do they currently prefer?
  • Preferred channels - are your users on traditional or social media?

Understanding your audience and conducting audience research are pivotal in effective marketing. 

A key aspect of this process is delving into psychographics – a powerful tool that sheds light on the behaviors, activities, values, interests, and opinions of your audience. These intricate details play a crucial role in shaping their purchasing decisions. 

By deciphering these insights, you can pinpoint the precise segment that aligns with your services and tailor your message for maximum resonance. For added precision, consider leveraging social media insights whenever possible.

This meticulous audience identification strategy enables you to strategically allocate your resources and concentrate your marketing endeavors on those who are most inclined to invest in your services. This, in turn, optimizes your outreach and yields better results.

3. Pick your platform

The insights from your user persona data can guide you in selecting the most fitting platform for your business. Also, take into account your personal comfort and proficiency with the platform. Keep in mind, each platform boasts its own uniqueness.

Consider this: if your goal is crafting video content, YouTube is your destination. A staggering 82% of adults in the US are active on this video-sharing platform. Alternatively, if your niche involves business coaching, LinkedIn shines brightly.

With an 82% success rate, it proudly claims the throne for top-notch B2B marketing. Make your choice thoughtfully and excel in the realm of platforms!

Introducing a rundown of major social media platforms in the United States, ranked by user percentage:

  • Facebook: 74.2%
  • Instagram: 60%
  • TikTok: 47%
  • Twitter: 42.3%
  • Snapchat: 37.4%
  • Pinterest: 37%
  • LinkedIn: 29.9%

To leverage social media effectively for your business, it's essential to fine-tune your platform. Start by filling out your profile thoroughly and incorporating keywords pertinent to your industry.  Select a profile picture that resonates well, and subsequently craft a headline that captures attention.

Showcasing your accomplishments and unique value proposition is key. Don't forget to include compelling calls to action, and remember to refresh your profile regularly for optimal results.

4. Create content strategy

As you delve into the realm of utilizing social media for business purposes, it becomes crucial to establish a well-defined plan for crafting and disseminating your content.

A content strategy serves as the blueprint that delineates the process of generating, circulating, and leveraging content to accomplish your business objectives.

Here are the steps for crafting a winning content strategy.

  • Define your goals.
  • Know your audience.
  • Audit current content.
  • Conduct topic and keyword research. 
  • Choose a suitable content format.
  • Choose content management software. 
  • Create a content calendar.

I've got something more in-depth for you – a solid resource on shaping up your business's content strategy. And if you're thinking about social media management tools, check out options like WIX, WordPress, and Squarespace.

5. Publish relevant content

Curious about finding the sweet spot for when and how often to post on social media for your business? You bet there is. According to Sprout Social, around 74% of social media users reckon that 1 to 2 posts a day hits the mark when it comes to brands.

how to use social media for business relevant post

Source: Meta

Pew Research chimes in too, noting that a whopping 73% of Instagram users in the US pop into the platform at least once every day. So, if your crowd's hanging out there daily, make sure your content matches that pace.

HubSpot's got some insights too. They've figured out the prime hours for sharing business content on social media – usually between 9 AM and 1 PM. But that's just a piece of the puzzle. To really make the most of social media for your business, cook up content that grabs your audience's attention and keeps them hooked.

So, what qualifies for engaging content?

  • Original
  • Matches user search intent. 
  • Addresses audience pain points. 
  • Relatable brand voice, tone, and visual identity. 
  • Optimized with hashtags or relevant keywords.
  • Includes a clear call to action.

After you've whipped up your content, it's time to set it loose on your social media stages. Lean on social media management tools to schedule your posts or even go on autopilot. Hootsuite and Buffer are solid choices to consider. 

If the need arises, tap into user-generated content or give influencer marketing a spin to rev up those interactions. And lastly, don't forget to keep tabs on how your content's performing. Monitoring its impact is the cherry on top.

6. Measure your results

Keeping an eye on your social media performance serves up insights on what's hitting the bullseye and what's not quite hitting the mark. Plus, it's your personal compass to gauge whether you're making headway towards your goals. 

Here's a scenario: Imagine you aimed for a 10% conversion rate. Yet, out of the 5,000 visitors who swung by from Facebook, only 300 sealed the deal with your service, giving you a 6% conversion rate. This glimpse tells you that you're a bit off the mark.

Most social media platforms come with their own analytics tool on board. But if you're aiming to gather all your data under one roof, tools like Hootsuite, Google Analytics, Buffer, or Sprout Social can be your go-tos.

And let's talk about the "what" in tracking. Unless you're specifically eyeing your content strategy, steer clear of those vanity metrics like retweets, likes, and comments.

While they might flash some numbers, they don't offer the real scoop on your performance or return on investment. Instead, have your sights on the conversion rate, click-through rate, and that Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), among other gems.

To dig deeper, check out this article from Sprout Social that dishes out the scoop on the social media metrics worth tracking.

7. Adjust

Once you've got your social media metrics on your radar, it's game time for adjustments. This is where you step in to bridge those gaps and stay in sync with fresh trends. Let's break it down: If your Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is playing hard to get, it's your cue to give your user experience a glow-up.

Dive into the CSAT metric and figure out what's causing that dip. Maybe it's the service quality or the pace of your customer support. Or there could be some other sneaky culprits. Once you've nailed it, roll up your sleeves and work on turning things around.

And hey, don't snooze on industry trends. Keeping tabs on what's buzzing in your field lets you whip up content that's both up-to-date and gold for your users. Flexibility is key here – adjusting your sails to new trends and fresh data is a continuous journey.

Source: Devrix

Hungry for the latest trends and sizzling topics in your niche? Consider using Buzzsumo.

How to Use Social Media for Business Success

Getting the hang of harnessing social media for business can truly set you on the path to success. With social media, you're essentially opening the door to millions of potential users and partners. 

It's a platform where you can hawk your wares, engage with your customers, and keep your brand's reputation in check. Plus, those nifty analytics tools on most platforms give you the lowdown on your performance.

But that's not all – check this out: According to research from the Search Engine Journal, a solid 81% of businesses are already riding the social media wave to boost their brand.

About 62% are putting social listening to work, getting a bead on their users' pulse. And get this, a whopping 72% of internet users are scouting out new brands via social media. 

So, if you haven't hopped on the social media train for your business, you're skipping out on some major opportunities.

So, spill the beans – are you in the league of businesses already rocking social media? We're all ears for your take on how you're wielding it, the impact it's having on your biz, and the hurdles you're tackling. We're itching to hear from you.

And if you’re looking for results-driven social media management, learn more about our full-service management option here.

About the Author

SkySocial Assistant is a boutique digital marketing agency that specializes in Instagram, Facebook & YouTube Marketing and Advertising for Service Businesses and Entrepreneurs Over 40.